The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111066   Message #2340413
Posted By: Bobert
14-May-08 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary's Bow-Out Date Contest...
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary's Bow-Out Date Contest...
Hey, I don't care if this thing goes to the convention... I really don't... And I'm glad that the Clintons have quit making racially coded comments but the damage was done when they did it in the first place...

Now if we could just get the media to follow suit, all will be fine...

I don't need to gear them bring up Rev. Wright on a daily basis... The Dem Party doesn't need it either... If McCain's 527's wnat to spend money bringing Rev. Wright into the fray, then fine... Let them spend their money but every time the media says that Rev. Wright is going to ba an issue in the fall it's like $100,000 that the 527's don't have to spend now and will have for the general campaign...
