The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29801   Message #2341819
Posted By: Teribus
15-May-08 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: Any old ex-hacks out there?
Subject: RE: Any old ex-hacks out there?
Well chaps just to piss a little on your parade

"Any old ex-hacks out there?"

Journalists - one step slightly above child-molesters

Politically motivated shysters who had their stories dictated to them and written before you even left the office.

I wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire.

You collectively have done more harm to western civilisation than Hitler, all in the name of the God of circulation.

Many threads in this Forum attribute "spin" to politicians that in all honesty belongs fair and square at the door of the "popular press" or its cousin "Main Stream Media" - the name Ober-something-or-other springs to mind.

Rather than patting each other on the back the lot of you need horse-whipping. Take a bloody good look at this country (The UK) this is where you and you alone have brought us.

Utterly contemptible the lot of you. Best let on to family and friends that instead of being an "old ex-hack" you tell them that you were all piano players in a brothel - far more honourable profession IMHO.