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Thread #111199   Message #2342392
Posted By: CarolC
16-May-08 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama on Zionism, Jews
Subject: RE: BS: Obama on Zionism, Jews
Yes, I dispute all of that, and they are not facts.

"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war"

--General Matityahu Peled, one of those responsible for planning the 1967 war of conquest (Ha'aretz)

"there was never any danger of extermination"

--Israeli Air Force General Ezer Weizmann (Ma'ariv, 19 April 1972)

"All this story about the danger of extermination has been a complete invention and has been blown up a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territories"

--Mordechai Bentov, former Israeli cabinet minister (Al Hamishmar, 14 April 1972)

"The moment is coming when we will march on Damascus to overthrow the Syrian Government" (this is the reason Nasser removed the UN observers and closed the Straits of Tiran)

--General Yitzhak Rabin on Israeli radio, May 11, 1967

"I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to the Sinai on 14 May would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it"

--Yitzhak Rabin (Le Monde, 29 February 1968)

"To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to the Zahal" (Israeli army)

--General Peled (Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972)

"The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him"

--Prime Minister Menachem Begin (Jerusalem Post, 20 August 1982)

So what we can see is that Israel stated it's intention to invade Syria, and overthrow it's government. Egypt, because of its mutual defense pact, we obliged to support Syria. But supporting Syria in defending itself is a defensive posture, not an offensive one. It was Israel that was waging the offensive attacks, as it had on Jordanian territory in the attack on the village of Samua, and as it had stated it's intention to do in Syria. Syria, Jordan, and Egypt were acting defensively in response to Israel's war of conquest.