The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111306   Message #2342736
Posted By: The Sandman
17-May-08 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: Changing words to a copyrighted song??
Subject: RE: Changing words to a copyrighted song??
Bill Prince changed a word in my song the Battle of Bosworth Field,It was an improvement.
but if the author doesnt want a wordor the music changed, because it affects a meaning ,or mood that is valid.
Charley Noble changed the words of Sailortown,well that is not my problem, because I only wrote the tune,I do think the original words are better,but others may disagree,if someone asked me if they could alter the tune,well that would depend, I think it is a good tune,that fits the words well,but until one has heard the new music it is impossible to make a judgement.Dick Miles