The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21817   Message #234286
Posted By: GUEST,Mrr
26-May-00 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Bill and Allans Excellent Adventure-Y2k
Subject: RE: Bill and Allans Excellent Adventure
I'll grant, having a double is weird. But I was digressing and would have gotten back to The Story, but then someone popped by...

So, anyway, the three of them (Bill Sables, Allan C, and BeauDangles) played much lovely music while most folks helped themselves to coffee and such since there was no "help" per se, Even the coffeehouse owner sat down, grabbed a guitar and belted something out with quite the set of pipes. I took a bunch of still pix and my sisterol wielded the video camera, so we have records of this beginning. Towards the end of the evening, one of my twins (the sleepy one) requested Castle of Dromore; I had to sing it, but it worked, out he went and the other one stayed up and cheerful till well after 10, when we had to close up shop. The singers went over to an Irish pub, but I had to take my kids home in the hopes of getting up for school today, boo hoo... and I am very much regret not being able to wet whistles with those guys! Hope the rest of the trip is as superb or better! I want to read all about it, whoever's next, get your fingers warmed up! The typin' ones, I mean, as well as the pickin' ones...