The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #793   Message #2344
Posted By: belter
18-Feb-97 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Songs of Faery / Fairy / Fairies
Subject: RE: Songs of Faery
Another Loreena McKennit song you may want to check out is one about a man who falls in love with a fairy woman who is cursed to be a wolf if she kills a human and then does so defending him. I can/t rememer the name.

Also one that might not me what you want since it's more of a filk, but Mercedies Lackey has a song called "Of Cabbages" about a cabage farmer who sees a group of fairs dancing and singing. One of them has a silver rose in his hair and the farmer laments that, althought his cabages have there own virtue, he would like to go a silver rose just once. He is clearly a farmer to the bone .