The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111358   Message #2344236
Posted By: Banjiman
19-May-08 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: KFFC under threat potential pub closure
Subject: KFFC under threat potential pub closure
Like many rural pubs in England, The Black Horse, Kirkby Fleetham (home of Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club) is under serious threat of closure due to high petrol prices, increase in duty on beer and cheap booze from super markets.

Talking to Phil, The Landlord he is currently trading at a loss and cannot sustain this indefinitely. His best night each month is the folk club night when we get between 30-70 people in from all over the north of England and beyond. During The Winter Warmer Weekend in February he did as much trade as he usually does in 6 weeks (we had 150 + around over the weekend).

Phil has assured me that the pub will still be open for the next club night on June 21st but will not give me any guarantees beyond that.

If you would like to help keep the club (and the pub) open please come on June 21st........if Phil and the brewery understand that people are bothered and are prepared to put bottoms on seats and beer down their throats there is a chance they will re-consider.

If this doesn't work we can at least have a fantastic party to say goodbye to the club.

If there is any interest (please let me know if you are going to come ASAP) I can extend the night to provide a whole day (and even Sunday as well) event with the legendary singaround and additional acts.

Excellent acts booked for June .....the legend that is John Conolly (wrote Fiddlers Green and Punch & Judy Man amongst many others) and the excellent Folk/ Blues of the up and coming Doghouse Roses.

as always, plenty of room for Campers/ Caravans, limited room for tents and if enough people want it I can arrange indoor camping in the Village Hall.

If you cannot attend, please at least send me a message of support letting me know if intend to come at some point and I will give this as evidence to Phil that the folk/acoustic community value the pub and intend to support it.

Please show your support.



p.s. We had a fantastic night on Saturday.....Jeff Warner was in fine form, Kat Davidson & Dan Wash were a revelation (and will both undoubtedly go on to far bigger stages than we can provide) and Tinkerscuss were dark and interesting! About 40 in all told and an excellent vibe as always!