The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2346514
Posted By: Jim Lad
21-May-08 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
You know.... many things happen during a campaign and the media chooses what to ignore and what to emphasise based on what the bosses tell them to do.
That's how Bush got to serve two full terms, why you are in Afghanistan & Iraq and are now setting your sites on Iran.
The unfortunate truth however is that when you leave an actual physical trail like the butterfly tabs in Florida then you leave something that the voters will remember for the rest of that individual's term.
Most people still believe that George Bush won by cheating the voters.
So now you have a candidate who did very well in the beginning and is now seriously hurting in some areas but you are not concerned.
Last week he lost by 41% in one State & this week by 35% in another and somehow those who did not vote for him are to be put down as being either unintelligent or racists.
Each time a serious flaw in this candidate has surfaced, the media has played with it for a little while before finally declaring it "Out of bounds" and putting it to rest.
Reverend Wright (remember him?) is a perfect example of this. He has told you what Mr. Obama is. You have no excuse for ignoring it but you do.
Not only do you ignore it but you chastise anyone who brings it up as though it's somehow unfair to hold the black candidate up to the same scrutiny as the whites.
You can't even bring yourselves to use his middle name.
When this individual falls from the pedestal which you have placed him on and when many more Americans, Iranians, Iraqis and whichever other nationalities you choose to attack, suffer because of his lack of experience or hidden agenda, there will be a long trail of misdeeds by this man, starting with his run for Senator that many of us will point to and say once again "You were told and should have known".