The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111398   Message #2346759
Posted By: Barry Finn
22-May-08 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: Under-rated performers.
Subject: RE: Under-rated performers.
What a much nicer thread, giving notice & praise to performers that don't get the light shone on them that they deserve, rather than the opposing thread ("over-rated performers) that only slags those that posters feel a negitive need to toss into the darkness.

Now that I've otten that off my chest there are a few who in my opinion deserve some limelight.
A young twenty something from West Virginia, Elizabeth LaParelle who does some incredable singing of her regional mountain music & hopefully will be appearing at 'Old Songs' in 2009.
Canadians Jim Payne & David Francy who both are writing some wonderful songs. In addition to them the above mentioned 'catters'
George Papavgeris and Duncan McFarlane along with our Andrew McKay.
