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Thread #95096   Message #2346961
Posted By: Bill D
22-May-08 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
No, Little Hawk, it is far from lack of respect for your intelligence. (and not all of my posts are implicitly directed at YOU.)
As for objectivity, YOU are the one who continuously asserts that none of us are really objective...that we all interpret according to our own experience. I can debate that a bit, but not right now.

Here's my dilema... Imagine two people accused of a crime. One says, "I didn't do it! I would never do such a thing!" The other says the same thing. Later, one is PROVED guilty by incontrovertible evidence, and the other exonerated. But until the **right** evidence is obtained, it is obvious that the guilty one would claim innocence as long as possible, but those trying to find the truth cannot ASSUME anything until that **right** evidence is in hand.

I have no dog in this fight... I have not seen a UFO to explain. But I have this keen interest in the concept, coupled with my training in the search for truth & objectivity. as far as possible. So, when claims are made, I, just like authorities interviewing two accused criminals, MUST suspend judgment, and apply the best analytical tools that I can muster to guide me. So far, all they tell me is that, although there is MUCH to explore and worthwhile 'purported' evidence and accounts to examine, I would dare not take the evidence presented so far to a court & jury!

For those who are convinced and sure that such evidence already exists, about the only disclaimer available is that "someone is hiding it". This is an almost automatic response. But then, they must explain the conspiracy, as well as the original claim of UFOs....and the problem for investigators and skeptics like me is to be willing to listen, while maintaining a high standard for real evidence.
   After all, those guys in the video were not ONLY making claims that 'something is out there', they were also touting the huge importance of it to the *future of mankind* and suggesting the alien technology is 'available' if we play our cards right....without any evidence that the aliens play cards! (and one of the purported 'proofs' that we need to listen to is that some middle-aged woman has been 'channeling' an alien ship commander!)'ll pardon me if I hesitate.

No, LH, I don't doubt your intelligence...and I don't doubt that you 'feel' that you are being objective. Those who claim the moon landings were faked make similar claims. What AM I to make of all the claims flooding in?