The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111358   Message #2347458
Posted By: Banjiman
23-May-08 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: KFFC under threat potential pub closure
Subject: RE: KFFC under threat potential pub closure
Copy of email sent to the club's circulation list giving the latest situation.

Thank you all for the tremendous messages of support we have received over the last few days. It is really quite overwhelming.

I think we have had enough positive response to extend the planned club evening on June 21st into the Saturday afternoon. The plan is to kick off at around 1pm and have a singaround with a few short "sets" from some of the acts who have offered support. If you would like to do 15-30 mins, please let me know. If the weather is kind to us these events will take place in the pub garden with a barbie at around 5.30pm. The barbie will be provided by the folk club and will therefore be at more or less cost....I would think around £2-£3 per person.

This will roll seamlessly into the planned evening's entertainment with Doghouse Roses on stage at 8.30pm followed by John Conolly....if anyone has any energy left we will also have the usual late night singaround. I will finalise and circulate a list of who is playing the afternoon slots in about 10 days time. The evening concert will have the usual £5 entry fee though the afternoon is free....though we will be asking you to buy raffle tickets to bump up club funds (see below).

As for the future, we have provisionally booked the Village Hall in Kirkby Fleetham from June (in case of earlier than planned closure of the pub) onwards. We have used the hall for concerts before and it is a good venue. It poses one or two is expected to finish by 11.30pm, so we need to think about the late night sings, there is also no if we do use the village hall we will suggest in the short term that people bring their own beverages, though we would look to provide a bar in the longer term. The venue is unsuitable for the BBB and WWW weekends we have planned in November & if anyone has any bright ideas, please let me know. We will also have to pay upwards of £5 per hour for the village hall which will make finances slightly tighter (unless we can increase attendances, it comfortably seats 80) .

There is still a chance that someone will take over the pub....but talking to Phil yesterday it seems pretty clear that he will be going at the end of June.

Please support this event if you can (apologies to those who have already said that they can't, disentangling the circulation list would have taken me hours!), or future events if you can't be at this one. Let me know by about June 15th if you want to partake in the barbie so that we can buy enough food!

Thanks again.
