The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111446   Message #2347625
Posted By: GUEST,Me yet again, the barefoot mendicant monk
23-May-08 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Medieval instrument question
Subject: RE: Medieval instrument question
Thanks to all. Pax et bonum.

My 'hero', if you will (and spiritual father), Francis of Assisi, was once an accomplished instrumentalist. There are accounts of him requestion a player of the lute at his bedside when he was dying. He also knew some of the violin, as he would often pantomime playing one while he sang, in French (!) to God. That's just because his father was such a Francophile that he made sure his son was educated in the French language from a small child.

Anyway, points taken about the use of an instrument. The barefoot thing, however, must stand. Francis and his followers were all discalced (without shoes) and the most strictly traditional representations of their lifestyle have always required shoelessness. I shall, of course, be careful.

My aim is to apply (here in 2008) to be allowed to give out cold water as a kindness to the patrons of the vendors. Perhaps then I will have the chance to sing some verse or extol the virtues of simplicity, humility and love that I have come to cherish. I am sure that much merriment will ensue in those days.

Perhaps I shall post a link to a picture of my humble self in garb soon, and updates from the fair as they occur.

May all good things be yours.