The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13558   Message #234862
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
27-May-00 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: The Return of Blake Madison
Subject: RE: The Return of Blake Madison
The Algiers Ferry sat in near darkness at the jetty. I reached into my pocket for the fare, and my fingers found a gold dollar for the Ferryman. I ascended to the deck, which was nearly deserted except for a mournful-looking teenager in gang colors. Near the bow, I found a section of railing and deck which were shaded from the string of incandescent lighting that were intended to make our crossing seem gay. In the darkness I nearly stumbled over a blind man who sat on the bench with a guitar perched on his lap, an empty cigar box open next to him. "Evenin'", he remarked.

The engines of the Ferry rumbled into motion and we crept out into the river. Behind us, the carnival light of New Orleans slipped slowly away as we slid toward the dull red and blue glow of the distant Algiers shore, gleaming like a bed of dying coals in the darkness."What kind of bidness you got in Algiers," said the man with the guitar." you best be careful over there. They kill you (here he snapped his fingers) that." I turned to him, still having difficulty seeing his face in the darkness. "I'm looking for a killer," I said. He laughed "then you goin' to the right place. Algiers full of killers, alright. You think you ought to go pokin' round over there in your condition?" "What do you mean?" I said. "You drink wormwood didn't you? I see it in your eyes." I mumbled "but..I thought.." He laughed again."Did you think it was like Four Roses neat?" The rail seemed to be moving under my hands as he continued, saying " when you saw your dead friend back there, did you think it'd be you crossing the river to Hell? "Cause that's what's on the other side, you know. Here..." and he tapped the empty cigar box, "you put a dollar in here, lemme sing you a song." I dropped a handful of change into the box as he began to sing

I got stones in my passway
And all the roads seem dark at night
I have pains in my heart
They have taken my appetite

The ferry nudged into the dock, and I descended to the landing, accompanied by the sullen teenager and several shadowy figures who melted into the dark. Behind me the old man was still moaning his blues as I staggered past a chain-linked yard that penned two large black dogs, who snarled and choked at me, their chain leads taut. Ahead, an ancient stone wall held the spray-painted legend 666 The Beast Rules. "Welcome to Hell, Blake" I said out loud." I hope they have taxis."