The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2348813
Posted By: Amos
25-May-08 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
I think there is, in fact, a central current in TV and news outlets, which multiply the impact of illogical, but electrifying, propositions when they are floated by one or another dark corner. The Wright story is a classic example; its proper perspective and importance would have made it little more than a side-show or a footnote; because of the dark twisting imposed on it by Hannity and Co., it became an important controversy, and eventually became doubled and echoed and bruited about so frequently that it became a hologramic meme of huge proportions, sufficient to sway national history. This is absurd n the face of it. But it is the nature of the beast when the ideals of the Fourth Estate get sold down the river of tawdry commercial success. And, in parallel, used as a lever against the informed conscience of Americans, rather than a means to fulfill the democratic equation properly.

If your remarks were aimed at Joe Offer's thread control, Rig, they were profoundly unfair (not to mention unkind) to Mister Offer and his volunteer office.