The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19340   Message #234912
Posted By: IvanB
27-May-00 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
Subject: Submitting Tunes
Joe, one newcomer question which I'd like answered: I posted a lyric request last week, which another MC'er fulfilled within a day. Since I have the tune for the requested lyrics, when would it be appropriate to submit it?
Hi, Ivan - If we don't already have the tune in the database, send a MIDI or ABC file off to MMario or to Joe Offer ( Be sure to tell us where the lyrics of the song were posted, so he can link to the tune. If you have the tune in other formats, you'll find a Digital Tradition e-mail address in the "Contact Us" page on Quick Links - or you can post a message in the thread and ask somebody to type up a MIDI from whatever resource you have.
If you like, you can post tunes in the forum in ABC format so people can access them right away. Alan Foster wrote a program for us called MIDITEXT that changes MIDI files into text that can be posted at Mudcat. We've changed the way we handle MIDI, so we no longer support Alan's program. We thank him very much for it, because it opened the door and allowed us to post tunes.
Dick Greenhaus, curator of the Digital Tradition, is eager to get any tunes he can get. He'll foam at the mouth, sit up and bark, or do all sorts of other tricks, just to get a tune.
-Joe Offer-

More Information on Posting Tunes Here (click)