The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111493   Message #2349270
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadon
26-May-08 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: 'English Country Dances', Please
Subject: RE: 'English Country Dances', Please
First of all, it shouldn't matter where the way you worship comes from, it should matter if you feel that it is God's (or the Gods') way. I think I'm catching echoes of G&S (for he himself has said it, it's greatly to his credit) as well as the Padre in Farrell's the Siege of Krishnapur.
Second, most traditional English fare isn't terribly exciting. Eating it at home is one thing, but for going out, Asian food is funner. Besides, this is no new trend, English cuisine has been affected by Asia for over 500 years.
Thirdly, English has thousands of loan words.
Last, but not least, ECD reffers to a style of dancing, not to an event. Read Georgian and Victorian literature, they never GO to an ECD, but they do dance them.