The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111493   Message #2349490
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
26-May-08 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: 'English Country Dances', Please
Subject: RE: 'English Country Dances', Please
but it's bad that we are turning more-and-more away from our own good English cultural heritage

Is this the most militant WAV thread yet I wonder?

Lots of dancing in Blackpool this weekend; we went in the Winter Gardens to check it out; lots of choice Latino grooves & fit young men & women in tight costumes & tighter choreography - very nice; spell binding in fact. Hard work paying off. Lots of stalls selling gear, costumes, CDs, DVDs, shoes, accoutrements, specialist stuff & people grooving; thousands of people & happy smiling faces. Later in the Tower Ballroom we watched elderly couples waltzing to the Wurlitzer, and on the North Pier we ran into The Pierrotters, who we've been wanting to see since seeing the Five Guys Named Acko documentary on BBC2 back in 2001... Lots of dancing there too; even the kids from Fylde College doing a revue of show tunes & dance pieces.

So when are you going to settle with the reality of the modern multi-cultural UK, WAV instead of persisting with this twisted bilious risible vision you have of English cultural heritage? And what the fuck is Heritage anyway? To me, heritage is the old pit-wheels sited on the verges & greens of long-redundant colliery villages that escaped the D-list, or some other such corporate schlock which no one gives a shit about other than some patronising council types trying to give something back to the community.      

Things either is or they ain't, and those who dance can do whatever dance they want to do, presumably. Where's the problem with that?