The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111493   Message #2349602
Posted By: Def Shepard
26-May-08 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: 'English Country Dances', Please
Subject: RE: 'English Country Dances', Please
There he goes. passing his guilt off onto others, and the answer's no, because they have, if you like cast off the chains of English arrogance. Is England about to cast off it's arrogance? I'm not holding my breath. You know what, I don't use books of English folk songs either, I don't practice from Ye Olde Booke of Hymmes Anciente and Moderne, I don't read widely from anthologies of English verse, I don't enjoy watching English folk-dancing (I much prefer to actually participate) and , of course, as I've said elsewhere, tennis bores the arse off me. Does this make me and any less English than others? Not in the slightest, and your 'more English than thou attitude' is REALLY beginning to get up my nose.

Here Endeth The Lesson ;-D