The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111469   Message #2350194
Posted By: PoppaGator
27-May-08 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: There must be a name for this!
Subject: RE: There must be a name for this!
I've noticed that, in many cases where excessive numbers of chords are provided (e.g., one chord per quarter-note "beat"), each "different" chord in a given sequence can be viewed as a version of the same chord, but with a single added note in each instance.

Most of us would not think of these as separate exotic chords, we'd think of them as a familiar chord held for 3-4 beats while executing a bass run or a treble melody-line "over" the chord.

If we were visiting in person, I'd play an example or two, but I don't have the mental energy to make up tabs to illustrate...