The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111493   Message #2350312
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
27-May-08 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: 'English Country Dances', Please
Subject: RE: 'English Country Dances', Please
What about females playing tennis, WAV?

Anyway, quoting your own tired & specious rhetoric isn't an answer to my point about Scots living in England and English living in Scotland, or anyone choosing to live anywhere else other than the place of their birth. Fact is, there isn't an answer because your entire concept of cultural purity is complete and utter bollocks & doesn't work on any level whatsoever. Not only is it bollocks, WAV, but it's an absolute insult to those who have chosen to live where they do, and put down roots, er, much as you have over here, and much as your parents did when they moved to Australia.

I note the recent caveat in your opinion, which is a good sign on the whole but what's the use of opinions if they're so completely unworkable & disrespectful to humanity as a whole? Not so long ago (see here 08 Jul 06 - 07:07 AM) you were arguing against same sex parenting. This seems to have vanished from your central on-line manifesto, but that could be a tactical withdrawal rather an admission of error.

Ditch the hoo-hah, WAV - life's too short & humanity too diverse; accept, respect & for Christ's sake just chill - summer's here, the fish are jumpin' & the cotton is high...