The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4543   Message #235040
Posted By: gillymor
28-May-00 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Gov. George Bush (Texas) & LEADBELLY??????
Subject: RE: Gov. George Bush (Texas) & LEADBELLY??????
This thread is giving me a nightmarish vision of Shrub Bush as folksinger singing Leadbelly,who according to legend sang his way out of prison, back into prison. I could see him in a 10 gallon Stetson striding up to the front of a thousand dollar a plate Republican fund raiser, putting his foot up on a chair and placing a $13 Stella across his thigh and singing:

If I had Leadbelly,
I'd throw him in jail,
Revoke his pardon,
And deny his bail.

Kat, I love your dog's sign. I use to have a retriever who couldn't talk and wasn't politically active but he could do a good imitation of an ambulance siren, the old long-wailing kind, in a low, quiet voice.
