The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29213   Message #2351497
Posted By: GUEST,also sang it in car & camping, different wor
28-May-08 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sarah Spunda (child's song)
Qui quah molly-molly-molly-molly garshnick
Un quah qui, Un quah quo,
Qui quah molly-molly-molly-molly garshnick
Un quah qui, Un quah quo,

O Nicodemo, O olly-olly-amo!
O Nicodemo, O olly-olly-oompa-oompa-oompa...!

Happy to sing it my daughter Molly, but had no clue of it's meaning or origin...just always a part of my family history. With four brothers and three sisters, when the oompa--oompa--oompa round part of it got going, it was great fun till the final oompah-pah!