The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100526   Message #2352162
29-May-08 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: Let's talk about the CELTIC WOMAN Women!!
Subject: RE: Let's talk about the CELTIC WOMAN Women!!
I am a huge fan of Celtic Woman. I despise their management. They are by far the most dishonest people Ive ever dealt with. They treat the talent as they would treat a slave. They are litterally kept locked up and are prohibited from having any sort of freedom, even in their off time. Scott Proter, Dave Kavanagh and Lisa Kelly have really run them into the ground in the last 14 months. None of the talant is happy and several supporting choir members are quiting. It looks to me like Chloe is making preperations to depart in the future. At least Meav and Hayley were smart enough to quit last summer. As long as EMI or Kavanagh is involved with this outfit I wont support them again. That whole outfit is pathetic and they will rip you off. Sadly the talent is under total control of the management. They wont last much longer as the economy in the US weakens further.