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Thread #108983   Message #2352670
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-May-08 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Why would you think I was talking about you, Ron? You have no need to take it personally.

I am simply observing the very common tendency of a great many people in this world (most people, in fact), which is that they speak primarily from their long established prejudices, which are very frequently partisan or nationalistic in nature, and that it colors the way they interpret what any politician does or says...and that they are accordingly far from fair or objective in their judgements of what the politician says or does.

I trust you can often see this dynamic at work in those with whom you disagree radically about politics? I bet you see it plain as day in that case! ;-)

Ever notice, for instance, how Riginslinger does that in regards to Obama? I know you have noticed it, Ron. It wouldn't matter what Obama said or did, he could do anything...Riginslinger would find a way to criticize it and it would be one more proof to him that Obama is no good as a Democratic candidate.

It's hilarious. It's tawdry. It's predictable. It's sad.

Now examine yourself for similar prejudicial tendencies. I would think that we all have them. Even maybe you! I examine myself for them frequently, and I know that I do things like that too sometimes. I become quite prejudiced and prejudging of this or that person of thing. I catch myself doing these things...and I laugh at my own frailty. Self-awareness, Ron, is something worth working on for anyone. It's way tougher than endlessly attacking the other guy.

One thing I love about Obama is that I have seen quite strong tendencies in him toward self-criticism and self-awareness. I see no such tendency in Hillary or McCain...but that might be because I'm prejudiced against them...or it might really be that they just ARE incapable of self-criticism.

I get tired of people who do nothing but ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK against other people. What they say strikes me as drivel. They're like a dog on a chain that barks and threatens. After awhile you just stop listeing to the dog, because it has nothing good to say.

The dog is not self-aware.