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Thread #87545   Message #2353085
Posted By: Teribus
30-May-08 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
How neat and tidy, Ron. But like Amos, your answer only seems to cover Iraq. Have a good, hard think about it. I could envision wide reaching consequences of a premature departure of US troops from Iraq that would in all likelyhood result in a major global as opposed to a minor regional conflict.

John McCain is right on the money when he states:

"To promise a withdrawal of our forces from Iraq, regardless of the calamitous consequences to the Iraqi people, our most vital interests, and the future of the Middle East, is the height of irresponsibility. It is a failure of leadership.''

Now to answer your question: "Given that Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds loathe and despise al-Qaeda, how is al-Qaeda going to take over Iraq?"

1. Your question starts off with the false premise that Al-Qaeda is universally loathed by all parties in Iraq. If it can be presented in any way, shape, or form that Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq has forced the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, then Al-Qaeda will have all the friends they need in the region and elsewhere in the "Islamic" world the US will find itself with none.

2. As to "how is al-Qaeda going to take over Iraq?" probably the same way as a minor Sunni Group did over 50 years ago. All in all there are between 1 billion to 1.8 billion Muslims world-wide, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, of that number approximately 85% are Sunni and 15% are Shiia. So while the Shiia may be in a majority in Iraq they are vastly outnumbered elsewhere. If in the extremely bloody "civil war" that would undoubtedly erupt if the US forces pulled out prematurely, it looked as though the "Sunni heroes" who vanquished the forces of "The Great Satan" were being slaughtered and subject to defeat at the hands of Shiia supported by Iran, I venture to guess that Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq would not lack sufficient funds or volunteers to swing the matter their way. It would take time, but the UN wouldn't be able to do anything about it and neither of course could the US.

From your answer to my question:
"1) I never said all troops should be brought home. I have always insisted that since US troops are actually wanted in "Kurdistan", we should maintain a large presence there--but only there.   Among other things this will dissuade any future Turkish government from drastic action in "Kurdistan" against the PKK--and thereby help stabilize the area.

2) We should however withdraw all combat troops from the rest of Iraq."

I do not for one minute think I have ever read anything so ridiculous in my life!! Have you looked at a map?? Who's your military advisor General Custer?? How the hell do you supply them? How would you reinforce them if needed? How would you evacuate them when the time came? The idea is absolutely preposterous.