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Thread #82028   Message #2353468
Posted By: Amos
30-May-08 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said Friday that he would be willing to comply with a possible congressional subpoena to discuss the administration's handling of prewar intelligence, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer he'd be "glad to share my views" if asked to testify.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewed McClellan Friday.

Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Florida, said Friday that McClellan, who left the White House in 2006, would be able to provide valuable insight into a number of issues under investigation by the House Judiciary Committee.

The committee is looking into the use of prewar intelligence, whether politics was behind the firing of eight U.S. attorneys in 2006 and the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson's identity, Wexler, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, said.

In the book, McClellan says President Bush told him he had authorized the leaking of Plame Wilson's identity to the press. Watch Wexler call for McClellan to testify È

Facing a firestorm over his book, McClellan also confirmed reports Friday that he apologized to Richard Clarke for questioning his honesty after the former counterterrorism official published his own book critical of the White House. Read excerpts from the book È

His new book is a bombshell ... one the White House would rather you not see. Anderson goes knee-to-knee with former press secretary Scott McClellan about his time with the Bush administration.

"I had not read his book; I was just reading talking points," McClellan admitted Friday. "It was a very tough process to come to these conclusions. It was vital to write these things in order to get them out." Watch the full McClellen interview È

"I think that anyone who is objective who reads the book will see that it was a very tough process to come to these conclusions. It wasn't easy to write these things."

Former colleagues and top Republicans have been blasting McClellan since his book was announced this week. "...(CNN)

Looks like John Dean's spirit is moving on troubled waters over at Bushville.

I'd like to hear Bush make a "Checkers" speech.