''The four loom , weaver '' , my father was from Lancashire . I had the words , I asked my father to re sight them. It took him 4 temps to re sighting them completely , with out braking down in tears. You see his mouther had been a weavers in the 1920's - 1930's. As dads father was on the black list , being a local leader of the pit strike of 1926. So dads mouther was the bread earner , having 5 children to feed and cloth. My father pointed out some of the words were wrong in the verstion I had. '' thirst in Lancashire r dialectic means hunger , clemd means hunger. Pardon my spellings I frustratingly am a dyslectic.
I came a cross '' the 4 loom weaver'' , on the album , '' Waterloo to Peterloo'' , some years ago. It was performde by an Oldham folk band , sadly I am not to sure of it's name. All the songs are of protest after the battle of Walterloo. One I recal is titalde ''The Labouering Man'' , which could lay claim to being the first anty war song. Most of the songs are from Lancashire , tho one is from Dudly, in the west midlands. I hope I have been of some help. Ken D Williams