The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2355701
Posted By: maeve
02-Jun-08 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
We moved over a cord of firewood and stacked it behind one of the greenhouses. We raked over the new septic field, removing stones, then using the many buckets of stones to stabilize and raise the lower driveway bordering our neighbor's lot. Planted more eggplant, tomatoes These make 50 in the two veggie gardens, hehehe), lettuce, dill, and cucumber seedlings, as well as shell peas and snap peas in the big veggie garden. Garlic chives are up. We added squash and sage to the farm stand, and planted a new crested iris in the peony bed.

Three bathtubs of laundry are clean and rinsed, and most of it is dry. I have to hang the last load while supper is cooking. My chook with the hurt eye has been dosed, and the gunk cleaned away, ointment applied, and rewarded with a little corn (maize).

In preparing for my Truelove to mow lawn that had been covered with greenhouse parts, we moved a plant display stand behind the house so I can have some order in the plants waiting their turn at division and repotting.

We can sit in the swing together and look out over our young apple orchard once again, Ahhhhhhhhhh!

I don't often post my progress because I'm usually too tired and hurting too much. I do read about everyone's progress and frustrations, and so I want y'all to know I'm continuing the battle here in Maine.