The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111703   Message #2355705
Posted By: Ebbie
02-Jun-08 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Water:Soft vs Hard = Acid vs Alkaline?
Subject: RE: BS: Water:Soft vs Hard = Acid vs Alkaline?
"Can-Know-bwah " Amos

That's how I felt, Amos. I know SO much more now. :)

Where do I get the term, "sweet water", Grab? I think I was referring to the soil- which I think is accomplished by making it more alkaline. Not sure, though. However, theree are many place names called 'Sweet Water'.

"Hard water tastes funny? No....hard water has a taste. Soft water is tasteless. Bit yucky to drink, really." Santa

lol I was born in North Dakota where the water is alkaline- downright hard. The story goes that a young ND cousin of mine was visiting relatives in another state and he complained about the water. It doesn't stink right, he said.

Me, I like Juneau's water- cool, brisk, crystalline.

"to clean your lps" Clean your "lips", Q? hmmmm

Geoff, thanks. Good job.
