The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111703   Message #2356031
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Martin
03-Jun-08 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Water:Soft vs Hard = Acid vs Alkaline?
Subject: RE: BS: Water:Soft vs Hard = Acid vs Alkaline?
The water where I live is slightly acidic (I have a 200' deep well which was drilled when I moved here 7 yrs ago), about 5.2pH I think. Anyway, the result in my tapwater was a sulphury smell and taste and orange-coloured scale left on sinks, wash-basins toilets and clothes (iron)! To get round the problem, I installed a filter tank full of limestone chips which a)filters out the iron and b)neutralises the acidity so that I get fairly neutral water now and no scale ( apart from a very small amount of lime-scale in the kettle which I put up with, it's far less of a problem than the iron was!)