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Thread #108983   Message #2359141
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jun-08 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
I can't tell if you mean 'social society' as socially, or politically, but America, was not founded by or for socialists. If you'd like socialism, there are several socialist countries on this planet to 'vacation' in I suggest picking one, and go there. As so far as O-blabbo for a choice, that's your own choice, but don't tell me that you came to that decision, out of anything but his ability to give a glib speech, that has nothing more than emotional dribble. I think you are just on the 'fashionable' media driven trend that has great momentum, but so very little substance. Give me one..just one example of ANYTHING O-blabbo, has done, for his constituents, or an example of his record, that he has accomplished. You will find in your 'research' that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to get that hot and bothered about, except his hot air rhetoric. and no, I'm not a Bush guy either. As stated above, in previous posts, it should be clear, by now, that all of the people running, are ...well just read it for yourself, and you will find that I'm certainly not alone. So if you want to drag me out on the carpet and scold me, then let's do it intelligently, and not based on some emotional flap. And by the way, if I want to call him O-blabbo, McLame, and Hitlery, I just damn well will, and can. As other previous posters have said, 'that aptly suits him. His voting record shows over 100 times, that he voted 'Present'! Sorry, I'd like to see a little better performance than that!!!!