The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111827   Message #2359580
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
06-Jun-08 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Subject: RE: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Yeah, right! Just what we need, an NGO to funnel free beer money to worthless shitbirds like Shane McBride! Don't you people see that all you're doing is aiding, abetting and enabling? You're just helping to further the illusion that hoserhood is a viable lifestyle. You really want to help a hoser? Try some tough love for a change. Let Mr McBride and his ilk go without a few meals. Then they'll have no choice but to get jobs or resort to crime. And if they become criminals they'll be sent to prison where they can sober up and receive some valuable vocational training so they can get jobs when they get out.

If you want to see the cycle of hoserhood continued, sure, just send beer money to this "Help a Hoser Foundation". But if you'd like to walk down the streets of Blind River some day and see Shane McBride, licensed plumber, stepping out of his work van, toolbox in hand, on his way to unclog a toilet at a rate of $55.00 per hour plus $50.00 for the service call, keep your "philanthropic" urges in check. He can afford to buy his own beer.