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Thread #108983   Message #2359871
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jun-08 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Yes, I agree that the American people are by nature rather generous people, and usually don't wish war or cruelty on any other nation on earth. This is also true of the ordinary people, the common citizenry, in a great many other countries, if not all of them. The trouble is that the government in the USA and most other countries (if not all of them) is not being controlled by the ordinary people, it's being controlled by special interests in the hands of an elite few.

In a case like that, unfortunately, neither socialism nor large scale corporate capitalism tend to be applied in a very humane or moral fashion...because being humane and moral is not the objective!

I agree that the candidates are mostly just puppets in service of something far darker...and that's been happening for quite a long time now.

I also agree that compulsory re-distribution of wealth should not be forced on a citizenry, and I'm not normally in favor of such stringent measures as that...although such things sometimes will happen in the wake of a great war or a revolution or a tremendous economic disaster when an old social order collapses completely.

What I am in favor of is a universal socialized health care system such as exists in Canada and pretty well every country in western Europe. It's there to ensure that everyone can afford necessary health care. It's not there to eliminate all other forms of alternative health care that one might opt for outside of that system. For instance, in Canada I can get basically free health care for anything provided through any private M.D. or any public hospital. I can also get a partial discount on chiropractic and many other conventional forms of health care, but only partial. I can, unfortunately, not get any government help with my dental bill...and for many people that's a BIG one! It's one bad flaw in our health insurance coverage which should be addressed.

Now, if I choose to go to a Naturopathic doctor...which I do as a matter of fact...I get no help from our health care system. Guess why. The M.D.'s are powerful as an organization and they and the drug companies had enough clout to ensure that only they would really be tied in with the universal health care people would be "persuaded" to come to them rather than to a Naturopath because it's way cheaper! Clever move on their part.

I have discovered, however, that the Naturopath does me 50 times more good than the M.D.s ever did and gives me enough info about diet and lifestyle and stuff like that that I can fix my OWN health, rather than getting drugs from a doctor to suppress the symptoms and do nothing about the lifestyle. ;-)

So I don't mind paying the Naturopath. It's worth it.

Still, I strongly support Canada's socialist health care system. It hasn't helped me much, but it has helped a lot of other people who wouldn't dream of seeing anyone but their M.D.

I don't mind paying a portion of my taxes to maintain it.