The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2359887
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Jun-08 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Any system, put in place, and run by those who are not trustworthy, nor represent the will of the people, should always be suspect. If you submit to someone or thing, for a blessing, and that someone or thing is corrupt, or evil, or controlled by a darker force or motive, you yourself become subject to its evil, and darkness. However, in times of great distress, is also the time that this earth has been blessed by some of the most beautiful works, in all the arts. Bach, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, the Beatles, Beethoven, etc. etc. all came into their own, by expressing the human spirit, emerging through the oppression of the human condition. My dear fellow bloggers, we are in perilous times, of which will be made manifest, before our eyes. I cannot be supportive of those who seek to bring that about, nor can I take joy, in the confusion, and damage I see by those who so willingly and gullabley lap it up. Such as I've seen here. And its sorta funny, though we may differ, just the mere fact that we communicate, and share thoughts, fears, laughter, anxiety, etc. etc. together on here,I can't help but relate to you all as dear to me.
Cecil, ..Art for therapy might be good therapy, but it might not be great art!....if thats what you are driving at. Rather, I answer back, interpreting the spirit I detect in the poster. If they are emotional about a subject, (confused) text may wander..but...they get it, when its right on...I, and we get precise. A friend, to whom I was sharing this thread with, upon reading it commented, that since 'Sanity' showed up, the tone became different, and less ado about nothing. 'At least they(we) are all thinking deeper about the resons of our choices', was the comment. So, Cecil, I've given you this as a clue to the process, to which I can relate to, when I compose. You tell me.
Little Hawk,.. Great to hear from you again. and btw, ..if it wasn't for the insurance lobbyists, bribing our 'representatives' health care would not have to be 'fixed' to be state owned and controlled....Hey, love ya'