The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111849   Message #2360248
Posted By: CupOfTea
07-Jun-08 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Nice Compliments that you have had
Subject: RE: Nice Compliments that you have had
In my early days singing I attended Irish week at Augusta and took a ballad singing class with Frank Harte. There were some heavy hitters in that group- voices that could fill a concert hall and repertoires that could fill a library. I had neither, and could barely sing in public. I was so nervous.

After one go round, I was rather dismissively asked to not waste our time by singing again. I was moderately mortified, but I'd rather have listened to anyone else sing, any rate, as I'd come to learn.

Fast forward a decade, it's Irish week at Augusta again. This time I'm there as a crafts teacher. At an informal singing session on the patio outside the dorm, I screwed up my courage and sang "Thousands or More." Frank Harte was among those who sang along. After, he made some comment to the effect that had been lovely, hadn't heard that song in quite awhile. Now, while it wasn't what anyone there would have seen as a huge compliment, merely knowing that I could hold my own in that company was heady stuff & made my week.