The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2360692
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Jun-08 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Isn't it wonderful to walk into a room that has improved so much? My office has a lot of empty floor space now, and looks much better. Someone dissed Martha Stewart on that "Rod McKuen is to Poetry" thread, but she has a lot of good stuff in her magazine, including some useful storage ideas. And if you look at the article photos, they are uncluttered. She is onto the idea that anything can look good if there isn't too much of it. :)

I tidied my laundry room this morning. And before I go out to mow and garden I'm going to move some of those good paint cans into that lowest cupboard in the kitchen. Might as well use it to store the long-term need-to-keep items since it doesn't work for kitchen stuff.

I used to keep a basket of emergency food in that cupboard, but there really isn't a need to keep it there. I can simply put that basket on a less-used shelf of my six-shelf chrome wire rack in my sun room. And this was a wonderful Martha Stewart idea. I think they used the photo to show the trick with the bungee cord, but I saw these shelves and knew there was an answer to having no pantry. I had a shelf like this for craft stuff, but when I saw this article I moved crafts to the closet and started my movable pantry. If you can't get this link to work, visit then search on "Supply-Securing cord." It was an idea in her August 2006 magazine.