The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111039   Message #2360714
Posted By: Linda Goodman Zebooker
08-Jun-08 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution (May 2008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution (May 2008)
I happened on the news of Dick's passing by seeing the Memorial Sing listed in the FSGW calendar. A sad shock.

I never knew till reading these postings today that Dick was a dancer, and a good one. I'm sorry I never had the chance to dance with him.

I remember most clearly two things- last year at the Washington Folk Festival, in the Grove, finally getting to read all the cartoons on his hurdy gurdy case, and last summer talking to him at the Common Ground festival. One of the FSGW "family" was in the hospital, he informed me that day, and we talked for quite awhile about all the people. He had such affection for everybody. He was a common thread, himself.

If you ever went to an Open Sing in a new location, and you weren't sure where the house was, you just looked on the street for his distinctive car, which was always already there, and you knew you were in the right place.
