The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111827   Message #2361032
Posted By: gnu
08-Jun-08 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Subject: RE: BS: Help A Hoser Foundation
Anyone serves up soup in a bread bowl that ya eat after the soup is gone is capable of anything.

Hmmm... screw Gates. If we could get Tim's ta donate, problem solved. Tim's got more money than Bill, right? I mean, cmon now, Billybob sells a dream that might work someday if the debuggin gets done and who buys that eh? But, Tim's got the cash and carry 24h a day eh. I mean, people line up ta get Tim's before they turn on their piece a shit MS software driven garbage what need ta update everey friggin day so's ya gotta turn it off and on again fer ta.... I need a large double double and a box a bits ta get me shakes under control man.... I GOTTA DRIV THRU... back later eh.