The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111849   Message #2361224
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat (at work)
09-Jun-08 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: Nice Compliments that you have had
Subject: RE: Nice Compliments that you have had
Jool Holland (yes the Jools Holland) told me after hearing me sing at Fagans in Sheffield that I had a great voice and someone in Matt Molloy's Bar in Westport someone called me a 'fecking superstar' well what he actually said was when he couldn't get another song in 'The fecking superstars are in'. My very good friends The Great Bonzo and Doris appeared on a TV talent show and one of the judges told them 'not to give up their day job' as Bonzo stated on their later publicity 'as this was our day job we took this as a compliment'