The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111849   Message #2361282
Posted By: Mr Red
09-Jun-08 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: Nice Compliments that you have had
Subject: RE: Nice Compliments that you have had
Well I sang a song I had just written in the Wellington FC, NZ. Basically it was a plea to a lass back in UK not to attempt suicide.

Two lasses about the same age came up to me later and both said "thank you" and remarked that the song was "right".

No artistic praise for song or delivery but - I tell you - Their words meant more to me than any accolades about skills, and I have had a small number of those and they are always welcome.

The target of the song acknowledged it was part of the recovery but I now represent a period in her life that she wants to forget, so I have to be forgotten. I think I can take that if I did my small part "right".