The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111784   Message #2361287
Posted By: Vin2
09-Jun-08 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Festival 2008
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Festival
Brilliant. I'll try not to avoid you nutty. I'll be wearing me Mudcat t-shirst as ever. Soon need a new one methinks. Agree about Bill & Dave tho am sure a compere's job aint an easy one at times. Love to see Dave & Bill get top spot one year.

P.S Can reccomend a fab new cd by Desi Friel just released. Would be great to see Des booked for Saddleworth - great singer/songwriter/guitarist committee please (pretty please) tek

Lost a couple of mates over last couple of year who were stallwarts of the S/F - one acted as steward last year - John Glynn & Jim Riley but sure there spirit will be there singing along with us as all other festival friends sadly no longer with us.