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Thread #101746   Message #2361391
Posted By: GUEST,Observer
09-Jun-08 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobby Sands hunger strike film
Subject: RE: BS: Bobby Sands hunger strike film
Keith could you possibly provide proof that anyone in the North of Ireland either felt pressurised to vote for Sinn Fein prior to the ending of the war. You seem to make out that Northern nationalists either received a knock at their door from a masked man or received threats of intimation. That is a fairly wild allegation to state without proof.

Maybe your energies would be better spent exploring why the government of your beloved country stood back and permitted their unionist colleagues in Stormont to deny the nationalist population in of the North of Ireland a voice or vote for many years. You seem to prefer to focus on hogwash statements which aren't backed up with hard facts.
Tell me Keith, what's your opinion on a part of the government of the United Kingdom in denying a section of their subjects the right of a vote ?

Your interest in the affairs of the North of Ireland appear to be a little weighted to the righteous rule of Britain and their unblemished record of human rights towards nationalists and followers of the Cathoilc faith. There may have been a large majority of the population in favour of British rule, but there was also a sizeable number who only wished to follow the faith they were born into and in doing so faced discrimination and bigotry in every aspect of their daily life for doing so.

Are you not aware of this ? Are you saying that every inhabitant of the North of Ireland was a republican and deserved to be deal with accordingly ?   

By the time we had reached the 1970's, the treatment of the nationalist community in the North of Ireland by Britain and their henchmen in Stormont proved the strongest recruitment drive for entry into republican groups by young men who were not going to roll over and lay down.

You are no doubt aware Keith of injustices throughout the world today by corrupt governments. Are you saying the people of these countries should accept the unacceptable ?

Keith, let's become realistic for a moment. You are British and a strong supporter of British policy throughout the world over several hundreds of years. You will never accept that Britain created the problems in Ireland, neither will you accept that the basic human right of any nation to resist reform against their faith, right to their own lands and traditions.

Keith you seem to draw lines in the sand when it comes to Irish/British history with fleeting statements against the Provisional IRA and an ignorance as to why the came into being. You often say that their requests would have been delivered in time without an armed struggle, rights had been denied for eight hundred years, how could you possibly know they were just around the corner? Can you honestly and truthfully provide proof of this ? No you can't. Stormont was a stone wall unionist regime who despised the Catholic church and the nationalist community and would never have embraced equality or gave a voice to a Catholic.

Well the Nationalist/Republican/Catholic people of the North of Ireland have a determination that you will never understand or comprehend. Your GOC's on the ground did, as did the failed British Secataries on State. Keith, Britain could never have broken the spirit of the Irish people. Accept that and reconsider your view of repression in Ireland for over 800 years through one half opened eye.