The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2362353
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Jun-08 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
The article you provided is pretty amusing, BB! ;-) Yes, a lot of people don't have Hillary Clinton to write furious diatribes about now, and they must be feeling quite lost....kind of the way a lot of critics and columnists and political cartoonists and standup comedians felt the day or so after Nixon finally left office.

The end of an entire critical era! (sob)

Well, there is always the hope that Hillary will somehow confound them all and RETURN to the forefront, once again wielding a commanding control over the political process and threatening to turn the entire USA into a prison camp with secret underground torture facilities and other even more terrible stuff!

So, to those whose reason for living is to expose the incredible evil of Hillary Clinton I say, don't give up hope! She may be back for another round sooner than you think.

(And I say this even though I am one of those who doesn't trust Hillary any farther than I can throw a lead refrigerator...and yes, I do prefer Obama by quite some measure over her...still, BB, I think your article makes some rather amusing and apt points.)