The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2362354
Posted By: CarolC
10-Jun-08 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Richard Cohen sure has changed his tune with regard to Hillary over the last several months. Here's something he had to say about her back in 2007...

This week Hillary Clinton announced her health care plan. Good for her. But you never had any doubt, did you, that she was going to have one -- and a plan for everything else. The issue with Hillary Clinton is not whether she's smart or experienced but whether she has -- how do we say this? -- the character to be president. Behind her, after all, trails the lingering vapor of all those gates: Travel, File, Whitewater, and other scandals to which she was a part only through marriage. In a hatless society, she is always wearing a question mark.

Perhaps he just sees it as his duty to find a way to smear whoever is the Democratic nominee (when he wrote the above, he believed Hillary was going to be the nominee).