The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111924   Message #2362433
Posted By: Bee
10-Jun-08 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: New or startling bugs in your area
Subject: RE: BS: New or startling bugs in your area
Many insects, especially flying ones, are opportunists - they may not find your garden for many years, then one flies in lays eggs on your favourite plant, and you have an infestation. Some skeletonizer has been doing a number on one of my healthiest columbines this spring.

This is the best time of year in my area for looking at moths. I have a flourescent bulb in one of my outdoor lights, so I can turn it on for a while after dark and go look at all the marvellous moths that gather and try to identify them in online guides. Many of them are very beautiful.

Donuel, your big fluttering nocturnal bug: it's too early in the season here, but sounds like a Dobsonfly, or Fishfly - they are huge, harmless, and startling to see.