The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111649   Message #2363905
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jun-08 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - June - part 3
I pulled out a spiral notebook that my son used a few pages of in the third grade, removed the used part, and will use it to transcribe notes that are clustered around my computer. Once transcribed, the scraps go IN THE TRASH.

Charmion, I have the same difficulty of discarding pretty or clever containers, but one can have only so many sewing kits or bead boxes or twist-tie bins. I've also recycled some, though exceptional ones turn up at the thrift store so you might get away with a donation to Goodwill.

I cleared a little credenza area (four vertical shelving units that add up to a dozen foot-square cubbies when pushed side-by-side) and put the small television on top. It had been on a box on the floor, the box I built to raise up my last computer (the one that was stolen three years ago). This box can be a step stool somewhere, but it isn't in the office any more.

I met a new neighbor today, and her children needed to use the bathroom. I'm still embarrassed to have people come into the house, so I know I'm not "there" yet. Having Micca come is going to light a fire under you, Kat, I know it! When does he arrive?

Good news Linn, but don't be a stranger over here at the de-clutter thread! Those of us who have naturalist tendencies have some unusual things to give away, and it adds up to interesting stories. (BTW, we did a tarantula flashlight tour with the new neighbors this evening! This after the girl asked to play with a life-size rubber cobra that someone gave me years ago. It lives under a library table, and occasionally gets used in practical jokes.)