The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111965   Message #2364245
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
12-Jun-08 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Myspace pages - Beneficial Or Not?
Subject: RE: Myspace pages - Beneficial Or Not?
Hi Kids!: My thoughts on this have been written in other threads so I'll try to repeat as little as possible.

If you want to know if myspace pages are beneficial, ask yourself this question: "Why doesn't COKE stop advertising?" They are everywhere. T.V., Billboards, P.O.P. ...Why blow a billion dollars in advertising dollars for a product that is known by nearly everybody on the planet?

As a musician, I suggest you take every opportunity to keep your name in the public eye.
Aw, myspace is for musicians. I don't want competiton, I want to sell my CD's. I want AUDIENCE. Sure, don't we all? But if you remain myopic, and refuse to expand your vision, you are limiting yourself and your music from being seen and heard by whole new audiences you would never have DREAMED would be interested...

My stats? Approximately 35, 000 emails sent, 10,200+/- MySpace friends, (and may God Bless each and every one of them.) YouTube: 3200+/- plays. That's in 2 MONTHS! Video seen in over 51 countries and counting. #4 in Modern Electric Blues on NMC New Music Canada(CBC)....

Is myspace worth it? YES. Here's the formula: Take how much time and effort you put into
PROMOTION of your music, and subtract that from the amount of time you spend doing NOTHING, and it will give you some form of ratio as to your success. LOL

Friends: The digital revolution is upon us...100,000,000+iPods sold.(And, if you don't know what an iPod is...O Boy!) I want to be part of that. Remember, the best minds in the world are working on where all this is going, and especially the mix on how music will be distributed... Again, I suggest you read, "The Long Tail", by Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of WIRED magazine...

It's like that Lemonade stand you talked your mother into helping you with during some summer long ago...Lemonade was sold. Money was made...
Or maybe you just went out in the back yard and played...
