The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111572   Message #2364487
Posted By: Nickhere
12-Jun-08 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Subject: RE: BS: Israeli Jews/Israeli Arabs
Well from various sources, including an interview with a former member of the IDF who explained how he'd been out on patrol and had heard odd noises coming from a building in the middle of the night. On investiagting he and his colleague discovered that a Jewish man had knocked a hole with a sledgehammer into the shop of his Palestinian arab neighbour, thereby extending his (the Jew's) living room. He then proceeded to throw the Pal' arabs possessions and stock out on the road and change the locks on the shop door. Mission accomplished, he went off to bed. No sanctions were taken against him. Whatever may be written in law is of little use if not enforced or given unofficial / official approval.

This sort of thing is ongoing in the West bank of course, and it happened in places like Jaffa and Deir Yasin back in the early days of the Israeli state.