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Thread #87545   Message #2364792
Posted By: Teribus
13-Jun-08 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
I think Ron that as far as the presence of British troops in Iraq goes, GB will listen very carefully to what goes on between now and November with regard to the stances of McCain and Obama.

Personally if Obama wins in November, which is by no means the certainty some here imagine, then UK troops will be out of Iraq as soon as possible after that election result is announced.

If McCain wins, then they will remain until their presence is no longer required by the Iraqi Government and/or the UN Mandate expires.

On matters of policy Barak Obama appears to be as much of an ill-informed, idealistic fool as Jimmy Carter, but Barak Obama will be operating in much more dangerous times. Carter's major screw-ups could be recovered, not so now.

By the bye Ron where exactly did I say that, "we should keep US combat troops in Iraq because "anything is possible"?