The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112000   Message #2365192
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Jun-08 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
Subject: RE: BS: Is eating tomatoes BetterThanHaving sex?
Heh! You're sort of right, Amos. Sort of. It's also true, however, that Shane is the epitome of the very people who bugged the hell out of me in my youth and whom I detested and loathed. So I'm getting a gleeful revenge on all of them now through the vehicle of various imaginary dumbass alteregos such as Shane.

Now, Chongo....Chongo is a little different. He's no dumbass. He's what I could be like if a much more bold, reckless, don't-give-a-damn-what-they-think-and-let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may side of my character got to express itself. Chongo basically has a good character, but he's not inhibited in the least. He's a good guy to have around in an emergency or if you need some heads busted. He is simply not afraid. That's a very rare thing to find. The only thing that scares Chongo is when he falls hard for a "dame" and figures that maybe she doesn't feel the same way about him. Ah...those can be torturous times indeed for my simian pal. In that respect he and I are quite alike.